Topic: newbie FF 800 - OCta 2 mixer question
We have a FF800 and an Octamic 2. I downloaded the latest drivers for MAC OSX 10.6. I also flashed the FF with the latest firmware.
RME is new to me and I am having some trouble with the mixer.
The mixer wants to closed after I have plugged in the FF/Octa combination. I can get a mic input and also monitor headphones...the mixer stayed open long enough for me to do that, but when I open sound track pro 3 or logic 9, the mixer collapses. Under preferences, I have been able to get mic signal into STP, but the level just blinks.
Anyway, I don't have a clue on how to solve this. I am a presonus and former MBOX guy.
MBP Dual intel 2.8Ghz, 4MB RAM with Snow leopard.