Topic: Buying a FF800 and MBP advice needed!

Hey first post here!
I'm coming from a Powerbook G4 w/Digi 002r setup for live recording.
I want to get 12 or more simultaneous tracks using the 4 mic pre's and 8 i/o's on the FF800 which I plan to buy soon.
I'm about to buy a new MBP.  Anyone have advice as to which model MBP to buy to avoid any glitches or chipset imcompatibilities?  I'm skipping pro tools this time around, I may still use it to mix.  But I want to track with either Logic or maybe something like Reaper.  Any other advice would be great!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Buying a FF800 and MBP advice needed!

A little help?  I wouldn't mind buying an older MBP to make this work....


Re: Buying a FF800 and MBP advice needed!

The Fireface 800 will only give you ten analog inputs at a time - inputs 7 and 8 are assigned to both the first two mic pre-amps on the front, and to the last two analog inputs on the back - you choose which you prefer in the Settings.  That said, there is nothing preventing you from using other digital inputs - S/PDIF or ADAT with other converters.

The current Macs Book Pro are supposed to be okay as far as Firewire is concerned, and since they announced the new models Tuesday of this week, it looks like it's a good time to pick up a new computer.  At the same time, there are many posters on this forum who are having issues with their Firefaces and OS 10.6

I think you will find that any other program's mixes done "in the box" will sound better than Pro Tools' "Bounce to Disk".  I went as far as to run Windows XP on my MBP, so I could use Pyramix as my DAW of choice.  YMMV.

Frank Lockwood
Fireface 800, Firmware 2.77
Drivers: Win10, 3.125; Mac, 3.36

Re: Buying a FF800 and MBP advice needed!

Thank you this is just the info I need!
So I can get additional inputs via adat and spidif that's great I can live with 10 for now.

I've been mixing in the box on 002 LE for a while now and it's not fun.  Bounce to disk is terrible sounding and not practical and I don't love bussing it out either. 

I'll be going for a new MBP this week and a FF800 soon after.