Topic: ADI-648 to HDSPe Madi strange problem
I have had this flawless system for just over 1 year and just this week I have discovered this problem
My recording chain: Yamaha DM200VCM with 3 MY-16AT cards connected to the ADI-648 using 12 ADAT cables for 48 channels of IO. The ADI-648 is connected to the HDSPe Madi card over fiber with ONK10. I have a Focusrite ISA-828 with the digital card connected to the ADI-648 over ADAT.
Windows 7 64. Cubase 5 32 bit, Nuendo 4 32 bit. I reformatted then reinstalled the OS and the Madi card only to get the same issue.
First of all I can playback large previous recorded songs with large channel counts with no problem at all. The problem is when recording.
I cannot record to odd channel numbers. I can record to even channel numbers but the routing is incorrect.
Patching a direct out from the DM2000 or from the ISA-828 to the ADI-648. I opened Digicheck to monitor inputs on the madi card.
These are direct outputs of the DM2000 or ISA-828
Ch1 no signal on the Madi card
Ch2 signal routes to ch1 on the madi card
Ch3 no signal on the Madi card
Ch4 signal routes to ch2 on the madi card
Ch5 no signal on the Madi card
Ch6 signal routes to ch3 on the madi card
Ch7 no signal on the Madi card
Ch8 signal routes to ch4 on the madi card
Ch9 no signal on the Madi card
Ch10 signal routes to ch5 on the madi card
Ch11 no signal on the Madi card
Ch12 signal routes to ch6 on the madi card
Ch13 no signal on the Madi card
Ch14 signal routes to ch7 on the madi card
Ch15 no signal on the Madi card
Ch16 signal routes to ch8 on the madi card
And so on...
As I said playback is not an issue. Audio ouputs to the DM2000 to channels 1 thru 48
Nothing changed in my studio chain.
How can I tell if the problem is the HDSPe Madi card or the ADI-648? Please help I am loosing business.