1 (edited by jdieks 2010-05-24 13:58:30)

Topic: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

Hi, i've recently gone from scope to rme HDSP and from xp to win7 x64.

now i'm experiencing a really weird problem and want to know if some of you know what it is:

I'm not totally sure if what i'm saying now is right, but i think i've narrowed the problem down to mono input channels. When i'm using them, e.g. for a mic or an instrument inputs from a mono synth (matrix1000) everything seems to be fine at first and then all of a sudden I get a short cpu spike and that channel is delayed 300ms or something.

so if i record anything from a mic the first recording can be good and then all of a sudden the second or third recording has a 300ms offset.

for some reason this doesn't seem to happen to stereo instruments inputs where both channels are also really used.

it also seems to happen when i make a stereo input and only assign one of the 2 channels or assign an unused inputs to the right or left channel (so there's only audio coming in on 1 of the stereo channels)

I'm using Cubase 32 bit on win7x64 by the way.

just to be sure i've written down the serials of my cards:

thanks for the help..


Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

1. Every time you get that CPU spike you will have to reset the ASIO driver.


2. You use a Plug-In that causes Cubase to delay those data.

If 1. you should try to find out what causes the spike...

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by jdieks 2010-05-24 17:38:36)

Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

thanks you for the quick response smile

it's neither 1 or 2 smile

to explain the situation a little bit more:

i've made 1 mic input channel now with my 2 mic inputs on left and right, which i convert to mono further down the road, just for testing.

The mic i'm using is on the right channel, the left one is unconnected so there's nothing more then some amp noise comming in.

now, when this happends i only have to change the left input to the right one and the delay is gone again... and if it happends again change the right to the left again.

it looks like faulty latency compensation someway. I'm not using any plugins in my test project but some cubase stock gates. how would you go about testing this?


something i'm not sure of what I thought of now:

i'm using the hdsp cards in slave mode to my converters. but my setup is like this -
converter 1 master, hdsp card 1 slave
converter 2 master, hdsp card 2 slave

is this wrong? should they all be synced using wordclock? could this cause problems like the ones i'm having?

this user seemed to be having the same problems which were clock problems..

so i'm going to sync converter 2 with wordclock to converter 1 and then slave both rme cards.. or would it be enough to just slave the second converter to adat?


Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

Yes, that is wrong, because both HDSPs are not synced. Converter 2 has to be slave too.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

I think i just solved the problem by putting a wordclock cable between the converters smile

thanks for the help... I didn't realise that the 2 "seperate" cards needed to be synced


Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

Not true. You can not have two masters in this case. The HDSPs will work now, but there will be clicks in the input signals.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

so what you're suggesting is that in stead of the wordclock cable between the converters i need to use an spdif cable between the audio cards? and then slave the 2nd converter?

so in stead of:

converter 1 master - hdsp 1 slave over adat to converter 1
conveter 2 slave over wordclock to converter 1 - hdsp 2 slave to converter 2 over adat.

you think i should do:

converter 1 master - hdsp 1 slave over adat to converter 1
hdsp 2 slave over spdif to converter 1
conveter 2 slave over adat to hdsp 2


Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

You said you put a word clock cable between the converters. You did not say that you changed one of them from being master to slave...if so everything is ok.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Weird latency problem (maybe driver bug)-cubase 5.1 and rme HDSP

ah ok.. i did set the second converter to slave..

thanks for the advice though