Topic: FF400 inputs 3+4

Hi there,

is there a way to bypass the amplification on inputs 3+4 from the FF400?
I have a separate mic-pre (Yamaha mla-8) and would like to use inputs 3+4 without having double amplification, although it might work levelwise.

Thanks in advance,


Re: FF400 inputs 3+4

Hi Daniel,

just set the gain to 0dB (= 1 = no amplification) in the settings dialog or using the front knob.
Better than no amplification might be to match the input sensitivity of the FF400 to the output level of your mic-pre.
So you might want to set the Input gain such that the maximum output level of the mic-pre will result in almost 0dBFS on the FF400.


3 (edited by bolero 2010-05-30 10:46:20)

Re: FF400 inputs 3+4

Hey Viper, thanks for the answer,

I was just concerned about this matter, because I thought the less curcuits being in the signal path, the better. Are the amplification curcuits removed by setting the gain to 0?
Or let me ask this way: is there a sound difference between inputs 3+4 and the rear inputs 5-8 when using them with external preamps?
I ask because I don?t have purchased the fireface yet so I couldn?t test it myself. I currently own a steinberg mr816, the mla8, an adi 96pro and have boroughed both a multiface or a ff800 for additional channels. i?m now up to buying a ff 400 and wanted to remove the last doubts.



Re: FF400 inputs 3+4

Sorry, I can't help you here, as I don't use Inputs 3+4 often.
My bet is that you (or at least me) won't be able to hear significant differences between Inputs 3/4 and the rear inputs. But thats only a guess.
I hardly remember that I did some frequency response measurements of the different inputs some time ago and there were no differences worth enough to be mentioned.

But for sure there will be somebody here who can tell...