Topic: HDSPe AIO and HDSP 9632 for windows 7 64 bit

Someone are using HDSPe AIO or HDSP 9632 with windows 7 64 bit? I would like to buy one of that audio card. Could you explain me essential differents beetwin that audio cards? Thanks.


Re: HDSPe AIO and HDSP 9632 for windows 7 64 bit

Look here, and read the section on the right side: "Differences to HDSP 9632". Let me know if there is anything still unclear.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: HDSPe AIO and HDSP 9632 for windows 7 64 bit

Thanks, I didn't see the article dedicated to the differeces, but now I find it. But there isn't any quote about Windows 7 64 bit even if there is for XP 64 bit.


Re: HDSPe AIO and HDSP 9632 for windows 7 64 bit

All current RME interfaces have drivers for the 64 bit OS variants.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.