Topic: Clocking from an external source
I recently installed an RME PCIe card in my Mac Pro. I'm running Sequoia on Windows XP SP2. The driver I'm using is version 3.08.3. I'm typically running word clock to the card from one of my Pacific Microsonics Model 2s. It sounds really good by the way! What I've noticed is that when I change the sample rate of the word clock from the model 2 from, for example, 44.1 kHz to 88.2 kHz, this change is immediately reflected in the "Input Status/Pref. Sync Ref" box with the "Word" option checked. However in the "System Clock" box just above that, it continues to say: "Mode: Word Slave, Freq. 44.1 kHz instead of 88.2 kHz. The same happens with the 48kHz family. I'm wondering if I should be concerned about this?