Topic: Word Clock Chain set up.

Hello again Everyone,

Maybe I was a bit long winded in my previous post. Sorry... I'm new.

Could someone please advise me how best to set up a word clock chain using two FF 800s, a Digidesign 003 Rack and a Focusrite Octopre LE.
The 003 and the Octopre are both 75 ohm internally terminated.
I have WC "T" adaptors and cables.

I want to use one FF 800 as master but then.....

I am thirsty for knowledge...any links to accurate litertaure about word clock chains would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to your help.
Best Wishes

Re: Word Clock Chain set up.

Don't use T ! it's not allowed with wordclock chain !

You must : Use a machine (the which get the best clock) as master and link the other as slave.

If it's not possible to do all with bnc (75 ohm cable), you can use spdif, aes, adat to sync the devices. It will not change the sound.

In another way you can use a wordclock / regenerator / distributor to do the job, like :

Mutec  MC-7 device (