1 (edited by topofthepop 2010-06-23 10:02:25)

Topic: AES32 and RayDat


how to setup the cards and AD/DA synchronisation correct?

my system is:
1 x AES32
1 x RayDat

2 x ADI 8 Pro
1 x Aurora 16

I am a little bit confused since i replaced my digiface to a raydat card that has no wc adapter outside.

Do i need to connect AES32 card with RayDat card in the computer inside with a short data cable or is it better
going with a clock option for the RayDat card?

i am confused. Please help. Thank you very much

Re: AES32 and RayDat

Which device would you like to act as clock master?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by topofthepop 2010-06-25 00:27:35)

Re: AES32 and RayDat

Hello Daniel,
I want to use the Aurora16 as clock device if this is recommendable.
At Moment the Aurora is set to Master and its wc cable goes to the first ADI8 and from this ones to the second ADI8 and then to the AES32 card that is connected with the RayDat Card.
The RayDat "Sync Ref" is set to Sync in.
But i have problems. I need to repower the Aurora after 30-60 minutes cause crackles.

Re: AES32 and RayDat

The setup should work ok if the RD is synced to ADAT input and the ADI correctly syncs to WCK (External). Where exactly do you get crackles? Sure there is no hardware issue with the Aurora?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: AES32 and RayDat

Hi Daniel,
can the cpu load be a reason for this cause? If i have less maximum cpu load the sync is perfect but i do not understand if this appears on a higher stressed cpu i can "resync" the devices with on/off or resetting the sync input. I guess it is the cpu load that both cards loose sync if theres to much cpu stress on very full projects - cpu load around 70-80%.


Re: AES32 and RayDat

If both cards are physically synced by synchronized external sources, CPU load will not change that... Again, where exactly do you get crackles?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: AES32 and RayDat

Hi Daniel,

I get the crackles on the Aurora16 but in the configuration that i had before - one week ago i had the same problem on the ADI8 Pro but this time the AES32 Card was the master and send the clock to all devices and the digiface that i replaced with raydat now.

the crackles start after a while and become more and more heavier till i restart the Aurora16. In the previous setup i had to resync the AES32. So the Aurora16 seems to be fine.

Yesterday i freezed some channels in cubase 5.5 to get a cpu load of around 50% and the sync was perfect without crackles but i do not understand this cause as you say it is not controlled by cpu. I think that some higher cpu spikes may effect the sync... but in which part? Both Cards are set to slave. RD is SyncRef to Adat and AES32 is SyncRef to Wordclock

I used only one 3pin cable from intern AES32 wc out to RD wc in. Do i need to set a second cable back  ed: ??
The extern configuration is as mentioned above: Aurora Wordclock out > Adi8 pro Wordclock in and the Wordclock out goes to > ADI8 pro Wordclock in and then to the AES32 card and stops there. Do i need a 72OHM adapter for the AES32 WC OUT? cause theres the wc stop?

Thank you very much

Re: AES32 and RayDat

still looking for an answer. maybe theres something wrong with my wc settings. do i need to put on the last device an adapter for reducing ohm? the last device is AES32.


Re: AES32 and RayDat

The wc could be critical, but also the performance of your computer, causing both units to go out of sync within the ASIO driver.

I would suggest to first make the wc connections as logical as possible.

Aurora Wordclock out > Adi8 pro Wordclock in - that's it. (This ADI-8 is the one that feeds the RayDAT's first ADAT input port).

Now set the AES-32 to clock to the AES input. Set the RayDAT to clock to the first ADAT input. Set ADI-8 Pro 1 to clock to the WC input, ADI-8 Pro 2 to clock to ADAT input.

If everything is 'Sync' this way then note if the problem starts during moments of high CPU load.

Matthias Carstens

Re: AES32 and RayDat

Hello MC,
i will try this tomorrow and feedback the results, it seems logical to me setting it up this way without running everything trough one word clock chain. thanks

11 (edited by topofthepop 2010-07-04 21:41:04)

Re: AES32 and RayDat

one question before i recable the devices. what about the internal card connection? at moment i have the internal 3 pin "wc out" of the aes32 to the 3pin "wc in" of RayDat. should i make this the other way around or can is it just fine?


Re: AES32 and RayDat

With my setup you don't need it. It also eliminates a possible pitfall.

Matthias Carstens

Re: AES32 and RayDat

works perfect!!!
thank you very much.