Topic: 9636/52 1.5 new problems

I bought this card for a premium price when first offered, and it has performed without a hitch. For the last rew years I have split it's use as an ASIO device for Sonar as well.
Recent changes in my studio, new motherboard, giant processor, ect.....  and now my RMW 9636/52 card no longer works without buggering up the audio.. no fixing it no matter what I do..  Saw the Flach update tool.. and it wont run in win 7x86 the update tool will not opened... re downloaded the software,3 x's but still the same result...
I have the W36 eprom in it......
  Please help.. I have a TV show to cut next week and rely on my workhorse to get it done.

Suggestions? Solutions?

Dwight Finney
Executive Producer


Re: 9636/52 1.5 new problems

There is no flash tool for the old DIGI cards, they would need a new EPROM (but there is none). So for helping we need more precise infos what exactly is failing on your system. 'Buggering up the audio' is no useful description.

Matthias Carstens