Topic: 9636/52 1.5 new problems
I bought this card for a premium price when first offered, and it has performed without a hitch. For the last rew years I have split it's use as an ASIO device for Sonar as well.
Recent changes in my studio, new motherboard, giant processor, ect..... and now my RMW 9636/52 card no longer works without buggering up the audio.. no fixing it no matter what I do.. Saw the Flach update tool.. and it wont run in win 7x86 the update tool will not opened... re downloaded the software,3 x's but still the same result...
I have the W36 eprom in it......
Please help.. I have a TV show to cut next week and rely on my workhorse to get it done.
Suggestions? Solutions?
Dwight Finney
Executive Producer