Topic: DigiCheck - TotalMix conflicts
This topic has been canvassed before, but there is one area that I feel could be clarified. Material in the manual is not clear on the following.
When TotalMix and Digicheck are active simultaneously, is the error in level measurements global, or does it only apply to the channels being observed by DigiCheck? We already know that if there are multiple devices in the system, if TotalMix is displayed for one card and Digicheck is observing another card, there is no interaction. If they are observing the same card, there can be errors. But how wide is the effect?
Example: if Digicheck is observing outputs, are the input level measurements affected by errors as well?
Example: if Digicheck (say Totalyser) is observing inputs 1 and 2, are the level measurements on inputs 3,4,5, .... also affected?