Topic: AES32 - setting change?

Hi, I have 2 AES 32 connected with the digtal AES/EBU breakout cable (D-sub 25 to 4 XLR out and in) to 3 digital mixers Yamaha DMC1000 so to have 24 in and 24 out (the DMC1000 works at 44.100 or 48000 KHz at 24 bit). I'm now working without any problem but if I tried to record at different values (for example 192 KHz) but there is a conflict among AES32 and the mixer. Is there any setting I have to do at the AES32? I also would like to by new motherboard and processors (2 or 4) for my computer, can you give me some advice about which are the best ones?
Thank you very much

Re: AES32 - setting change?

It seems that mixer only supports 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, so there is no possibility to use higher sample rates.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.