Topic: Adi 4 Dd

Is it possible to run 5 x AES i/o with this unit using adat?

I want to connect 4 x aes i/o to one machine via adat, and then connect 1 x aes i/o to another machine via adat. Is this possible?

Thanks smile

Re: Adi 4 Dd

Oh one thing, is it possible at 96khz also?

Re: Adi 4 Dd

No, 4 x AES only (8 channels max), 96 kHz or less.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Adi 4 Dd

But there are 5 x aes i/o? Do all 5 only work at 48khz?

Re: Adi 4 Dd

you can either change 1x AES <> Optical SPDIF, or 4x AES <> ADAT, but not together at the same time.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.