
I'm having some bugs using a RayDAT and a MADI card on a mac pro as an aggregate device. 

First off, the RayDAT doesn't always seem to work (i.e. outputs not active).  I monitor through the SPDIF coax on the RayDAT and this seems never to work if I turn my computer on after it being off for a day or two. 

What's so bizarre is that I eventually get it (the coax SPDIF) to work (aka output a signal) but can't seem to figure exactly how.  Most recently the SPDIF out wasn't sending the signal I had routed to it from logic (internally sourced sine wave), so I went and decided to just pull an ADAT cable randomly from the card to see if just resetting an input signal might do something, and, lo and behold, simply removing the ADAT cable caused the SPDIF output suddenly to activate and output the signal I was sending (and the signal remained active when I plugged the ADAT back in). But what's equally bizarre is I know I didn't do this a previous time when I was having the same issue (that time even more bizarrely switching the coax output connection to be the input connection and back fixed it... wtf??).

I'm not a newbie to this kind of stuff, so I know it's not my clocking or any of my settings in logic.

Secondly, I also notice there is an issue with routing audio between the cards inside of logic.  For instance, if I turn the computer on after it being off for some time, and I open a logic session which has audio bussed from MADI inputs 1-2 to RayDAT SPDIF outputs 99-100 (in the aggregate device where the MADI card is first and the RayDAT is second), the signal from the MADI card sounds like it's clock source is not in sync (tin-ey buzzing quality to the soundsource, whereas I can hear the original signal, but it is overlayed with a buzzy re-sampled type of sound).  The solution I have found so far to this is to check the "re-sample" option within the aggregate device settings in AudioMIDI Setup;  once I check either of the cards' resample boxes the signal suddenly becomes clear as day -- however any subsequent checking or unchecking of the resample boxes does not affect the signal anymore (though I leave them unchecked ultimately).

Curious if anyone can offer some insight, suggestions, or hope that a future driver might address these issues?

Config info:

MacPro 4,1 Quad 2.66gHz 10.6.4, Logic 9.1.1, RME HDSPe Driver 2.73
+RME HDSPe MADI (plus WC expansion card)
+RME HDSPe RayDAT (mother card only -- no expansion card -- synced via "sync in" from MADI card)
+Powercore Express PCIe

Incoming signals to the above computer originate from HDSPe MADI and HDSP 9652 cards on separate machines receiving same clocking (source  is Lucid Genx96).



The first problem mentioned might have been fixed by the latest driver 2.73, and maybe you did not realize yet that it works now reliably (TotalMix settings not always saved on shutdown).

Both cards run in slave mode, but the RayDAT as slave to the MADI card via the internal sync cable? Then the most interesting thing is to observe the card's Settings dialog and look out for signs of constant or temporary missing SYNC indication (Lock only).

Basically it might also be a system overload, and the reset for the driver is then done via your workaround.

Matthias Carstens


The first problem (outputs not working on RayDAT) has not been fixed, nor have I ever changed any TotalMix settings.

And yes, both cards run in "auto sync" mode as you described.  The settings however do not change or alter their sync status (I have never seen a "lock" in the status -- only "sync").

What might cause a system overload?  These problems are evident when I first open logic, so it's not as if there is a bunch of data running through the cards when I first experience this problem.

Also, another thought I had was perhaps this is related to the additional clock source setting in the aggregate device settings?  There you have to select a clock source for the entire device (and I have the MADI card selected).  Does this setting override the HDSPe settings or conflict with them somehow?


oh, and by the way I came back to my computers today and discovered the resampling problem was occurring again after having left all my computers on and their applications open overnight (they were left in a working state).