Topic: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Hello all:

I'm sure I posted about this subject a few months back, but I can't find the posting now... HeadScratch

Anyway, my problem is continuing: the state of a RayDAT card is not being recalled under Mac OS X boot.

As I understand it, the last mixer state should be automatically stored and recalled when the computer is power cycled. This is not happening.

Instead, the mixer is being reset to a factory default state at every boot up. It requires manually going into TotalMix and selecting the appropriate mixer preset.

The HDSPe Settings are being recalled correctly - just not the mixer state.

And - whilst I'm here - another annoyance is that the TotalMix window state is not being stored; so every time I open it, I have to manually open out the width to see all the channels. Such a bore... wink

This is with a new Mac Pro, Mac OS X 10.6.4, RayDAT driver 2.71, RayDAT firmware 11.

Please can RME add these bits to their bugfix lists for the next revision; together, they tarnish an otherwise fantastic product.



Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Try repairing disk permissions. If the preference file cannot be written to, then the preferences will not be stored at shut down. If it doesn't work, delete the HDSPe Mixer preferences file, then the mixer app will write a new one on next start.


Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Hello Jeff:

Thanks for the reply. I've tried both of what you suggest, and it doesn't solve either problem:

- Mixer state not recalled;
- Mixer window size/position not stored.



4 (edited by MoisiePants 2010-06-29 11:07:08)

Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Hello again Jeff:

I wanted to make sure that this hasn't been lost under the pile of forum posts!



Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot



Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Why don't you check if such a mixer file is existing and/or rewritten? This would help a lot. So far it does not seem to be a general bug in the driver.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

I am having the same problem with the madi card in a Macpro. I have repaired permissions and then deleted the mixer file. when I changed THINGS totalmix a new file was written but after logging out and logging back in again the mixer had returned to is default state.


Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Thanks Dave.

Unfortunately I'm not near my system at the moment, so I can't double check that my system is behaving identically - HOWEVER, I'm pretty damn sure I checked this last time I looked, and the mixer.plist file was present and being updated appropriately.

But - still the last state of the RayDAT was not being recalled.




Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

We will have a look again, but please give us some days.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Hi Matthias:

Many thanks - I just wanted to make sure it got attention at some point!

Best wishes,



Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Please try version 2.73, should work now.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RayDAT State Not Being Recalled under Mac OS X Boot

Thanks Matthias - that's really appreciated.

I'm away from my studio at the moment, so I can't confirm that it's solved the problem for my case - but I'll post an update just as soon as I can.

Best wishes,
