Topic: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Please help!!!

Have Windows XP, RME HDSP 9652, Yamaha 02r mixer... Everything works properly until now. I reinstall my Windows XP with same version of Windows that I have before, and since then I have huge problems with my drivers. They are in big conflict with my card. Everything is install properly...I done the same steps with installation of drivers I always do.

When I open Cubase, card is ok, when I open project and press play there's no sound. Then I go on Devices--- Devices setup---VST Audiobay and my ASIO Master Driver is ASIO Hammerfall DSP like it should be, but there is no sound.... Then I change ASIO Master Driver in ASIO Hammerfall DSP again, and suddenly sound is here. But only for a few seconds or a minute, then sound disappear again....and I have to do the same circle again and again every minute.

Devices--- Devices setup---VST Audiobay and my ASIO Master Driver from ASIO Hammerfall DSP in ASIO Hammerfall DSP...

Please help!!! HeadScratch HeadScratch HeadScratch


Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

PCB revison 1.3?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Dont Even Know what is it??? I found that I can download it.... should I instal it?


Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Look on the printed circuit board of your card. In white letters it says Rev. 1x somewhwere.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

It says 08/02- B
          REV 1.3
          HDSP 9652

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Which driver version have you installed? Is there some small coloured sticker on the card?
What is the serial number?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

I tried with these drivers on RME page and with some old that I have since I have a card.
There's ORANGE stickers on the card, and the number that looks like a code with stripes is 22221366

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Which driver files exactly did you install and how?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

RME HDSP9652 w2dsp_294 AND RME HDSP 9652 fut_win_dsp....
Found new hardware, next, next......then on the point where is offer recommended or advanced search for driver... I go advanced, browse for folder and ok. Sometimse I need to show some dll and finish, restart.

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

2.94 is five years old. You could test 3.085 from our website.
That said, is the HDSP configured as standard audio card for Windows?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

I install these new drivers 3.085 and same problem again. Cool for a minute then sound disappear...

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Where/how does the sound "disappear"? Does the software stop? Does the HDSP mixer still show a signal? What is connected to the card's outputs?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Software continuous going like nothing's happens. Just signal disappear... sudenly MUTE on mixer in Cubase and on HDSP mixer. And when I go on Devices--- Devices setup---VST Audiobay and my ASIO Master Driver put again on ASIO Hammerfall DSP, then sound shows again for a minute.......

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

Card outputs are connected to Yamaha 02r in adat converter 1 and 2 with optical cables and two BNC cables....

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal

This is what's exactly happened:
When sound disappear, midi tracks still works and Cubase shows the signal on audio tracks, but nothing goes thru speakers and HDSP mixer don't show anything on channels except midi tracks.

16 (edited by edoode 2011-02-06 14:55:16)

Re: HDSP 9652 card in in conflict with any DRIVER that I instal


Witch motherboard should I buy for RME HDSP9652  REV 1.3.  08/02-B. One that I have now doesn't work properly with a card.
I heard that Asus A7S333 is pretty good choice. Is that any other suggestion?
