Topic: MADI Word Clock Output not working properly on Linux?
Hi all,
I have a Linux system with MADI card. The settings can be controlled by using the amixer command-line utility.
Right now there's no MADI hardware connected, but I want to use the word clock output to supply a clock signal to sync my hardware. For this, I set the Sample Clock Source of the MADI card to be "Internal 48kHz" - so the MADI is clock master and uses its built-in clock.
However, the word clock output outputs a 25kHz square wave (tested with a digital scope), not 48kHz. Re-requesting the same sample rate and clock source doesn't change anything. If I do go ahead and request something above 96kHz the word clock output goes to roughly 51kHz and stays there, even when trying to get a lower sample rate again.
Can anyone help?
Best regards, and thanks in advance!