Topic: Recording output from Kontakt

I'm using a PCI RME 9632 card which I installed today to playback samples loaded in Kontakt 4.  I now want to record what I hear.  Can I do this directly with my RME card and RME software or do I have to route the output to something like Audacity?  I was hoping for something as simple as a 'record what u hear' option and a red record button!  I've found references in the manual to loopback and some complex diagrams - but I'm hoping I've missed something much more straightforward!  Any assistance in being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated please.  The set up is:

Finale 2011 - LoopBe - Kontakt standalone (64bit) - hit record - WAV file

Regards, Graham

Re: Recording output from Kontakt

The loopback option is the way to go - it's not complex, just a few mouse clicks away....

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Recording output from Kontakt

RME Support wrote:

The loopback option is the way to go - it's not complex, just a few mouse clicks away....

Daniel Fuchs

Thanks for the prompt attention Daniel,

To check understanding, this is all self contained within the RME environment or do I still need Audacity to loopback to?


Re: Recording output from Kontakt

You route the output to the corresponding input - not to a particular software. Any software can subsequently record this signal.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by Graham Keitch 2010-11-25 15:21:38)

Re: Recording output from Kontakt

RME Support wrote:

You route the output to the corresponding input - not to a particular software. Any software can subsequently record this signal.

Daniel Fuchs

So, the card produces an output signal (which I hear over my 'phones) and I need to loop this back on itself so that it also becomes an input.  This is where I get confused!  For Audacity to hear it (and hence record it) the signal needs to be output again - or doesn't it?   


Ok, with a bit of trial and error, I've got this to work.  Thanks.