Topic: HDSPe Expresscard not detected on AMD Mainboard


I've got my first RME Audio system. If bought an multiface 2 and HDSPe expresscard which works correctly in both an Dell Vostro 1310 and an Intel based desktop computer with Adapter.

But it is not detected by the mainboard Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H with AMD 890GX chipset. I've tried all Pcie Slots and all bios settings. Not a chance that the mainboard will detect it.

Now I'm thinking about an solution. Do I have an guarentee that the native Pci Express HDSPe card will work? Because I think the design of the PCIe version and the expresscard one is pretty much the same. Would another mainboard help? For example with 890FX chipset from a different brand like ASUS?

Greetings from Germany

Re: HDSPe Expresscard not detected on AMD Mainboard

Connecting an Expresscard to a desktop PC with an adapter may or may not work - it's not officially supported, though. The PCIe card should work, by all means, unless there is some kind of problem with the board.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPe Expresscard not detected on AMD Mainboard

Hi, thanks for your quick response. So I've bought a new Mainboard and CPU today from intel (i7) and after around 400bucks less im now ready to use the expresscard with my desktop PC.

Now I'm a happy RME customer wink

Re: HDSPe Expresscard not detected on AMD Mainboard

Hello again, sorry for digging up this old thread.

I decided to build a completley passive PC for music listening and wanted to use my expresscard for this and tried again with an adapter. As it is an Asus AMD Itx board it wasn't detected again like before with an amd board.

So I can now confirm that expresscard adapters DO NOT work with AMD chipsets. But I bought an PCIe HDSPe for my multiface 2 and it works just fine.
