Topic: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue


I recently bought those two devices mentioned in the title.
I have some problems regarding the clock.

My setup looks like that

1.Alpha-link ADAT out 1-8 to RME ADAT in 1-8
2.RME ADAT out 1-8 to Alpha-link ADAT in 1-8
3.RME ADAT out 9-16 to Alpha-link ADAT in 9-16
4.RME ADAT out 17-24 to Alpha-link ADAT in 17-24

5.Alpha-link BNC WC out to RME BNC in.

All my digital cables (ADAT and WC) are good quality Monster Cable.
When RME is master everything seems to be ok,No clicks drop-outS or anything like that.
When I try to set the Alpha-link as master I can hear a lot of clicks and glitches.
That's happen with the setup described above.Once I remove the wordclock cable or  nr.1 ADAT cable(SSL out - RME in)
from the RME the clicks suddenly disappear.

The settings in the RME control panel is Autosync.I have two incoming and synced signals, WC and ADAT 1.No matter what I choose
the clicks are there,as long as that two cables are connected.

My DAW is Cubase Studio 4
O.S Windows XP x64.
I did the looback test for Alpha and this seems to be ok.The audio signal passes trough with no clicks pops and other ugly noises.

Is there something I can do? Or is something I'm doing wrong?

Plz help me


Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

IIRC the older Alphalink AX's had some ADAT Clocking issues that were corrected by a Firmware update - but the update requires an SSL Mixpander card, so a dealer or SSL would likely have to update it for you.  Do you know how old the unit is?

FWIW I purchased a new Alphalink MADI AX a few months ago and it already had the most recent firmware and I had zero problems getting it to work with a Digiface, and now with an HDSP MADI card.


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

3 (edited by lesly_music 2010-08-14 10:35:19)

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Hi Randyman,

Thank you for your reply.

Mine is an Alpha-Link Madi AX and was purchased 7-8 months ago. Firmware version is 2.4.
I know that from the diagnose section.
They released a new Firmware version recently (2.5), but is something that I don't get it right about the date of release.
They say it's Apr 09, which lead me to the idea that my unit is made it before this date, because of my Firmware version.
I bought it from the original owner 1 month ago.
As I already mentioned I did the loopback test and the unit seems to be ok.

I'm in contact with SSL support service too, trying to get this system work.

Many thanks

All the best

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I'm pretty sure that is a recent firmware - so there must be another setting somewhere.  IIRC the loopback test wouldn't show the potential issue as the unit was basically clocked to itself at that point - but I thik the issue was only with the ADAT Inputs (Analog Outputs).

Are you running the Alphalink in Internal clock mode (44.1/48 internal) when you are attempting to run the RME as a Slave?  That's the only way I've run my setup and both of my RME interfaces were happy with it...


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Hi lesly_music,

try in the Hammerfall DSP Settings-Dialog-Box:
Madi Out: 56 (28/14) ch.
Pref. Sync Ref: Word Clock.


Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I think Lesly is running the Alphalink via ADAT into his HDSP9652 - so the MADI settings aren't available on the RME and the SSL MADI settings are moot...

Any progress?


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Hi guys,

Thank you for your reply, and sorry for not posting.Unfortunately my father died in the meantime , know.

I have the Hammerfall HDSP 9652 PCI version, so no MADI.
I've just downloaded the latest driver from here, released this month,updated the old one , but no change.The same behavior.

I don't know what more can I do.It seems that I'm gonna use the Alpha link as master but will send the clock trough ADAT too,
and not use the wordclock anymore.This is killing me.It should work like that.Clock trough BNC , ADAT trough Tos link.
It's odd that no one from RME support, is not posting.

All the best,

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

OK - I'm running my AlphaLink over MADI - but as mentioned I initially used it via ADAT to a Digiface, and sync'd via BNC Wordclock with the AlphaLink as the system master (exactly what you are trying to do).  Here is what I recall about my configuration:

AlphaLink Settings:
* Set to "Internal Clock" - and use 44.1K sample rate for now
* Analog is Routed to ADAT
* ADAT is routed to Analog
* Probably won't matter @ 44.1K - but set ADAT SMUX mode to "Non-SMUX2"
* Make Sure "WordClock OUT 96K Mode" is set to "OFF" (should be off by default)

Digiface/9652 Settings:
* AutoSync set to WordClock
* SPDIF IN set to "COAX" (as long as it's NOT set to "optical")
* SPDIF OUT set to "COAX" (as long as it's NOT set to "optical")

Is that how you have it configured?  Are you sure your BNC Wordclock cable is good?  And are you terminating the Wordclock connection at the RME card (I forget if the 9652 has selectable 75 Ohm termination, or if it is always un-terminated like my Digifaces are)?  I never tried running my system w/o WC termination - but I'd assume the SSL and RME both would handle an unterminated connection well enough to get a lock - especially with only 2 devices in the chain...

ADAT Clocking should be fine in all honesty - I use BNC in my systems as I'm clocking 4 or 5 units in my chains - and I do prefer BNC myself so I understand your desire to use BNC over ADAT...

Get back to us - We'll get you sorted as I know this configuration can work like a charm :-)


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Hi again Randyman,

Thank you for your support.

I tried with your configuration, but no changes.I didn't find any ADAT SMUX mode to "Non-SMUX2
Regarding the WordClock OUT 96K Mode I guess you are talking about Fs and 2Fs mode.
Aniway, in the Diagnose  mode (ALPHA LINK) everything is on ''default''.

I've send an email to SSL service and here is his answer.

''I have read about the RME Autosync feature, and as far as I understand it, it decides which clock source to use based on its assessment of the clock signals it receives.

When I add to this the fact that you only have problems if ADAT and WordClock are both connected, it is starting to look like Autosync could be the problem here.

I suggest you contact RME, to ask them if there is a way to disable this feature and force the card to only lock to WordClock. There is no option to disable Autosync in the screenshot you sent (other than making the RME the clock master), but there may be a way to do it via an initialization file tweak.

Also, is your WordClock cable 75 Ohm?''

Do you think is possible to make HDSP seeing just the BNC Worldclock signal, and decativate the ADAT Lock?

Thank you so much

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I know for a fact that the Alphalink will work as a BNC Wordclock Master with an RME Digiface set to "Auto Sync / WordClock".  That's not the issue.

Also - as I also asked above and SSL inquired as well - "Are you sure your BNC Wordclock cable is good?  And are you terminating the Wordclock connection at the RME"?  IIRC most RME boxes either leave the BNC Wordclock inputs un-terminated, or give you a recessed switch to enable 75 Ohm termination.  I believe the 9652 is un-terminated.  You'll need a 75 Ohm termination resistor and a BNC Tee to properly terminate the chain.

So, what happens if you select "AutoSync / ADAT1" on the RME with the SSL as system master?  All 3 ADAT inputs should "Sync" on the RME in that case as you are omitting the BNC altogether...

And do you have the SSL set to "Internal Clock" and 44.1K Sample Rate for these tests (the Alphalink MUST run on Internal Clock if you want the RME to slave to it)?  I'd stick to 44.1K sample rates for these tests to simplify things for the time being...

I'd also verify that you don't have any other odd settings on the Alphalink's sub menus (you'll have to enter its diagnostic mode as outlined in the manual and use the 24-LED display to decode each parameters' settings against the manual).  One that sends up a flag for me is to make sure the ADAT SMUX mode is set to "Non-SMUX2" and make sure "WordClock OUT 96K Mode" is set to "OFF" (should be off by default).  Reference the AlphaLink's manual for these specific settings...

I don't think this would affect clocking, but do you have the Alphalink's ADAT routed to ANALOG, and ANALOG routed to ADAT?  Maybe the SSL ADAT outs aren't routed anywhere so they aren't sending any signal?

I can't recall if I had to change anything else for it to work over ADAT, but I'm running mine in a mixed MADI+ADAT setup now (using all 48/96 channels on the SSL!).  If you can't get it working I'd suspect you have a faulty unit, bad cables, or an overlooked setting somewhere as the Alphalink + Digiface worked within 5 minutes in my old Digiface rig.

Good luck!!!


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I have the same setup.  An SSL Alpha link AX (version 2.0) and a RME 9652 card.  I use the alpha link as the master (word clock out) and the 9652 as the slave (wordclock in).  I was having a lot of clicks and ticks but found a solution.  I put the "WORDCLOCK OUTPUT AT 2Fs" option on the alpha link (see manual) at "2Fs Clock".  No more clicks....  By the way, is there anybody who knows how can I upgrade my alpha link... version 2.0 is quite old!

12 (edited by Randyman... 2010-10-20 01:15:58)

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I think that's the setting I mentined above but phrased differently:

* Make Sure "WordClock OUT 96K Mode" is set to "OFF" (should be off by default)

For the firmware update, you'll need to connect the Alphalink to the SSL Mixpander card - or take it to a dealer that has a Mixpander card - or send it to SSL for the update sad  The Mixpander Port is the only way to update it...


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Thanks for the quick answer "randyman".  Juste curious, did "lesly_music" found a solution to his clocking problems?

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

I'm also curious if lesly got everything jiving smile

2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSP 9652 SSL Alpha-Link clock issue

Hello there,

I just borrow an external clock (antelope isochrone).  For those who didnt' saw my older topics : I'm using an SSL alpha link with an RME 9652 card and experienced some glitch when the SSL was in wordclock" slave" mode.  Also had problems when the SSL alpha link was in wordclock "master" mode.  I resolved my problem using the alpha link as the master clock and turned "on" the "WORDCLOCK OUTPUT AT 2Fs" on the SSL (even if I was working at 44.1khz....???) . 

But I was not completely satisfied with the results.  My system was a bit less stable than with my old apogee rosetta 800 that I sold to buy the ssl.  So I decided to try an external clock.  As soon as I plugged in, I had very good results.  More stable, the sound is clearer in deph and in stereophony.  No glitch.  I highly recommend having an GOOD external clock like the antelope isochrone or other quality clocks.