Topic: HDSPe AIO ADAT/SPDIF connection to Babyface possible ?
Hello everybody,
i have still the disturbing noise problem with my AIO. Now i have the idea to connect the AIO optical ADAT/SPDIF out with the
ADAT/SPDIF in of the Babyface or FireFace 400 to use it´s Mic Preamp and AD/DA converter. So for me then it woudn`t be neccessary
to buy a separate Mic Preamp for vocal recording and ADI-2 to generate an external (PC outside) analog signal for my speakers
without disturbing noises.
So my question: Is it possible or would it makes more sense to buy the ADI-2 and a separate Mic Preamp ?
My intention is to use the great Latency performance of the AIO for VST´s and only to use the Speaker connection and Mic Preamp
of the Babyface. So, if it´s possible to make the connection, do i maybe have to expect more Latency with the Speaker and Mic
connection throu Babyface ?
Thank you for help.