Topic: Fireface + Eleven / Axe-Fx ASIO run at the same time? Possible?

Planning on getting my self a Axe Fx or similar which run on its own Asio driver which most things do these days.
Is it somehow possible to run 2 ASIO drivers at the same time? Otherwise I loose a lot of the "goodies" and need to switch all the time unless I do re-amping but it would be so smooth to use multiple asio drivers!
I'm running Reaper as DAW if that makes and difference and RME 800.
All inputs would be more than welcome!

2 (edited by 19 frets 2010-12-28 06:55:00)

Re: Fireface + Eleven / Axe-Fx ASIO run at the same time? Possible?

This article is a little old, but it will give you some ideas to maybe pursue.  Take a look at ASIO4ALL. … sician.htm