Topic: Totalmix feature request: 16 simultaneous channels of MIDI control
Bought an HDSPe AES 16 last week. I'm using it to talk to a Lynx Aurora 16 and running ProTools 9 on a Mac Pro (OS X 10.6.5).
I love the HDSPe AES. It was easy to set up, locks up securely to the Aurora, and the 8 stereo submixes within the card are absolutely great. Works 100% as advertised.
I am using an SSL Nucleus as a controller. This lets me switch back and forth between ProTools and HDSPe Mix with one button press. Super useful and almost the system of my dreams.
I have three requests for implementation in the Midi control section of HDSPe Mix.
1. It would be nice if Record Arm always selected the submix, no matter whether you were in Input, Software, or Output layers.
2. It would be wonderful if you could implement 16 simultaneous channels of control (often implemented within DAWS as 2 separate 8 channel controllers). Since I have 16 channels of flying faders, I could see and control a full 16 channel layer of HDSPe Mix without paging back and forth while half my Nucleus remains blank.
3. It would be nice to have the option for TotalMix to send metering. I know that some older MIDI controllers don't work too well with this, but the newer controllers (i.e. Euphonix & SSL) use MIDI over IP and have no problem displaying the metering in real time.
Other than that, I couldn't be happier with the card and software. It is rock solid, switches sample rates reliably, and maintains lock.
Thanks for making such a useful product!