Topic: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

Hi there,
I tried the search but can't believe, we are obviously the only ones with this problems.....
we are pretty much rme newbies and have the following problem on a MacBook Pro running on 10.6.:
-the first setup showed some sort of samplerate problem, everything playbacked was pitched up, and Logic 9 showed some sort of sample-midi-sync problem.
-Cause we didn't know if the flashupdate had been done we started that, and at the end of the process, the update-program is requesting to reset the uc by switching it of and on again.

But the unit is not starting anymore. The flashing lights at the startup sequence get stuck at the left, green input led.

We apreciate any help that brings us any futher to the goal. We're very curious to start recording with the new baby.

Oh, and the sample-rate problem occured on two different macs, but that should be the minor one, once it boots up again.

So long, thanks for your time,


Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

As described in the manual you can bring the unit back to life (via the factory firmware) by pressing the encoder knob during power-on.

Also I wonder why you not know 'if the flash update had been done'. The flash tool clearly tells you 'Updated' or 'Not Updated' BEFORE you start the flash update.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

Hello Mr. Carstens,

I appreciate your quick response. Thank you for your support.
I try to help a friend of mine who is only spanish speaking. Just mention it to apologize for the sometimes at first a little vague statements.

I personaly was a little bit confused by the flashupdate program....the update button was highlighted, so I guess it was ok to do it?
I was not able to see, which version is installed, and which is the latest one....anyway. Was probably my mistake I guess.

Maybe you can also help me with the other issue, that the playback was pitched? Where can we adjust the sample-rate (?) settings?
iTunes Playback was pitched, too.

Was it strange that we had a midi-sync error, although he is not using any external midi-gear?

Thanks a lot for the great support. Am only here a few more hours and am glad, we know how to evoke the unit again. I was feeling so sorry for my friend here in spain, cause he waited quite a while for the gear on his island here and he was realy down.

best wishes


Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

Open the Settings dialog and look what the current state of the unit is - sample rate, clock set to internal, USB errors etc.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

thank you very much. I just have to ask again, cause when I have access to the FF unit again, I won't have internet anymore. It is not happening to be at the same place at the same time sad

Do you mean the settings in the system prefs of the mac, or the settings in the rme-software, or in Logic itself?


Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

The UC's own Settings dialog.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

last question I promise wink
I gain access to the UC's settings via the rme-software, or is it somehow implemented into the system?

Re: Please help: FF UC not booting after flash update

I wanted to thank you for the great support.
Everything is working fine at the moment. Playback and recording is great and you have a new very satisfied customer in spain.
The included cd contained older versions. with the latest driver and flashupdate from the net it worked out.
Thanks for the clue with holding the knob while switching on. That saved my day.

so long, best wishes