Topic: madiface + pyramix nativ on macbookpro

is there any possibilty to get a monitoring control from the minijack audio output of my MBP using madiface +Pyramix nativ?

Re: madiface + pyramix nativ on macbookpro

You could try combining the two into an aggregate device.

For Windows users, it should work with a combination of the HDSP mixer's loopback feature and the Virtual Audio Cable...
Just BTW; here's another potentially interesting tool...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: madiface + pyramix nativ on macbookpro

hello, do you think, the (asio4all v2.10)driver is also working, I´ve tried, but I can bring only one of my both RME cards to run
(Babyface-Monitoring and Madiface for Recording). It´s possible under WinXP on my MacBookPro to select both cards, but in this way my sequoia doesn´t work. Under Virtual Cable it runs with 16bit, and there are some klicks, I´m not amused to work with it.
I´m searching for a small and fast equipment, because my monitoring in my big equipment (FF800+ 648) allthing works perfectly.
best regards joe, innsbruck, austria