Topic: Not possible to hide the Software Playback row

In the previous TotalMix, which I've used for FF400 and FF800, I could show/hide each of the 3 windows.
I cannot find a button for this any more.

This feature is very useful for me when I use the RME live, on my small laptop with 1024x768 display.
In this case I use the DSP routing only, no SW playback or recording, but I use the laptop w/TotalMix
for controlling the DSP mixer and for looking at the levels. Very nice and compact setup.

Even more convenient now with the included FX which makes it a more complete mixer.

If this is not possible, I hope RME will add this back int the TotalMix in the next version.


Re: Not possible to hide the Software Playback row

Maybe you overlooked the 2 row mode?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Not possible to hide the Software Playback row

Use the 2 row display option, then the mixer is smaller and you can push the sections around, e.g. push the software playback to the right and out of the way.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Not possible to hide the Software Playback row

Thanks guys for the incredible fast answer :-)
I didn't notice that I could change the size of the SW playback row in 2 row mode.
I have not been able to move things around, but I can make the SW Playback row smaller and almost disappear
to the right.
This is good enough for my laptop view. Thanks!!

Greetings from a snow-pile in Norway...