Topic: New TotalMix FX 0.93 RC for Mac OS X
this is the relase candidate for next monday. We would be glad about some feedback and tests. If you want (and can) follow the instructions below. Make sure to use the latest drivers and firmware before installing TM FX!
Thanks for testing!
Edit: Final v 0.93 released in driver 1.50 and 2.90 on 02/09/2011.
Installation: exit TotalMix FX, then copy the application to the application folder, overwriting the old one. Then start TotalMix FX. Check the new version in the About dialog.
- Stereo Width was not reset via Reset Mix
- TM FX crashed when it changed to foreground while the option 'Disable MIDI in Backbround' and 'Enable MIDI Control' were active and Logic was shut down
- Corrupted workspaces could set different values for left/right channel effects
- Loopback is activated after standby/start (UFX only)
- Corrupted display of channel names in slim mode with active MIDI remote
- Open/close state of the panels was not saved correctly in the workspace*
- Groups did not work per workspace (as intended), but per Snapshot*
- First usage after installation had wrong mixer state
- Activated DIM did not stay active when Speaker B had been active and Main assignment changed
- Speaker B fader is set correctly when its assignment changes and 'Do not Load Main volumes ' is activated
- Talkback to Phones 4 did not work (UFX/UC only)*
- Initial state of channels (slim/normal) could have been wrong on load
* Introduced in last version 0.924
- Mackie Control Options (F3): Enable, single fader for stereo, LCD support, level meters
- New Option under Reset Mix: Total Reset
- New Option under Reset Mix: Set Output Volumes (to 0 dB). The third row is no longer set to 0 dB using the other reset options.
- Trim Gain: current routing is shown as white triangle
- Ctrl-click on the channel panel buttons opens/closes all other channel panels to the right
- Global Solo state is stored and loaded from Snapshot
- Low cut included in the EQ's frequency diagram
Matthias Carstens