Topic: Babyface grouding issue

When I use my babyface there is a constant humm, whenever I touch the unit the humm is gone, is there another solution?

Re: Babyface grouding issue

do you have grounded eletricity/computer plugged to grounded wall ? i noticed this when i had my computer in  house where it was not grounded. also touching it made it go away. i have not checked where i am now, in a grounded house. can check and come back.

Re: Babyface grouding issue

Thanks, I just checked and my laptop powersupply is not grounded, I just ordered one with ground see if that helps.

Re: Babyface grouding issue


I've got same kind of issue on my laptop + babyface: some kind of humm noise which disappears as soon as I unplug the laptop powersupply.
However my laptop powersupply is grounded, but maybe it could be due to the electricity in my house (old installation).
I would be pleased to know if you guys succeeded to get rid of the noise when the laptop is plugged.

Would the babyface powersupply help to mute that noise ?

Re: Babyface grouding issue

the wall plug has to be grounded, then it should not be a problem. i live a new house and do not notice this hum here..