Topic: Input level trouble and question about jumper on multiface I.
I want to connect an analog rack ( the "fatman paia" ) on my multiface 1 but the input level is really low.
I get a small signal when i record.
I quote the manual:
They allow three different settings: Left (middle plus left pin), right (middle plus right
pin), and without jumper. If the device is still placed with the front panel to the front, then Left
means +4 dBu (factory default), right means Lo Gain, and without jumper means –10 dBV.
My english is not very good, my technical skills too.
Just to be sure, +4 dB default factory is the max i can get, right? The two possibilites are if i want to set the level down?
What make me doubt is this( found on a forum):
The Multiface mark 1 has 3 settings - +4, -10 and +19 - and I had to open it and move some jumpers...
So now, with the jumpers set on +19 dB-something..."
Can you make this clear please?