Topic: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!


my name is Lukas and im having problems with my RME FireFace 400

i have a new macbook pro, 15" with a i7 processor and 8GB of RAM...
i have all updates installed... both from the operational system of the computer and also from the firmware and drivers of the audiocard
to connect the macbook pro to the fireface im using a LACIE fireware cable that goes from firewire 800(my computer) to firewire 400(audiocard)... im doing this because the new macbook pros dont have a firewire 400 port as you for sure know!

the problem that im having is that every once in a while, when im doing what ever(producing, recording, listening music, etc) using the audiocard and my studio monitors, the audiocard just shuts off and than right back on!!!
when it happens i always have a loud click on my monitors due to the fact that the device is shutting off(the mixer and pannel software from the RME also shut off) and than i get silence for some seconds (while the RME softwares reopen) and than i get audio out on my speakers again!!!

Im having this problem with the firewire powering the audiocard and also with the powersuply pluged at the device so i dont think its a energy problem!

can you please get back to me with possible solutions???

thank you in advance...

ps. i wrote this to the support form rme but i never got any reply and thats why im posting this here! i need help from someone to get this solved!!!

Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

Hi ,

I have exactly the same problem as you on Macbook Pro i5 with my Fireface 400 and Lacie flat firefwire 400/800 cable.

I am going to test with another brand firewire cable tomorow..... Might just be cable related.

I'll let you know

Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

ok today I tried another firewire cable and all is back to normal. Working fine

I can confirm: AVOID those lacie design cable and get yourself proper shielded firewire cables.


Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

Interesting info, thanks for sharing. You have a direct product link to this cable? We would like to test it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

Hey there yeah i can confirm as well that Lacie cable was doing some crazy things couldnt even handle iTunes nor use bus power. if i turned anything on connected (or sometimes even not) to the computer it would restart. Switched cables and its solid as a rock both on bus and ext : )

Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

Hi there, I'm having the same problem. I'm using an iMac and my fire face 400 has just suddenly decided to keep switching itself on and off. I'm using an AKORD cable with an apple adaptor. Quite distressing as I had a studio session lined up for today and have just had to cancel. Can someone please provide me with a link for where I can purchase the correct cable. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks


Re: Fireface 400 turning off problem!!! please help!!!

You should check the FF400 power supply first - if you have one. If that is an TB adapter then the 400 will not work without an external ps.

Matthias Carstens