Topic: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7


I have been using the Fireface on Vista with no problems. The RME (icon) makes sense with the gain controls for each input and phantom power etc. All works well.

I have now installed the RME driver and  Total Mix on Windows 7 (laptop) to do some recording this week. The driver is taken from the RMW website (I wasn't sure which one to download so went for the one that wasn't flash??). I think I folowed how to install the driver etc.

The RME icon and Total mix are in the corner but once opened they look different and have different options.

In the RME interface there are no longer options for gain and phantom power under the 'gain' heading just three very basic options for input out levels etc.

Total mix also doesn't have any options for the phones line..

Can anyone help with this.

I need to know if I have the right driver. Then that I have installed it properly and lastly how to use it! 

Any assistance appreciated.

With thanks

Re: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7

The new software GUI moves the channel controls to the TotalMix window. In the top row, click the wrench/spanner button for input gain controls.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7

Thank you , Do you know where I can find the Phones channel on the mixer? Thanks

Re: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7

Phones is PH 3/4, maybe you have this assigned as Main under the Assign button?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7

Thank you Jeff... I think I found them under the main on 7/8. It sems to be working.

I have another question:

I don't understand the Line inputs on the front of the UC. I get that 1 and 2 have pre amps and have phantom power. What exactly are inputs 3 and 4 capable of? What signal do they accept? Will they accept a guiar straight in without an amp? (I am geting a signal but is it any good?). Also, If I say took an SM57 and plugged it straight into input 3 or 4 would this produce a desirable signal? Or is it best to always amp the signal before inputs 3 and 4 in some way?

Many thanks

Re: RME Fireface UC on Windows 7

Sorry, I thought it was a Babyface.

Inputs 3 & 4 can be used for line level inputs. When INST is activated, you can connect a guitar or bass for direct recording. There are gain controls for these channels to  allow for level adjustments.

You can't use these for direct mic inputs, the SM57 needs a mic preamp.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.