Topic: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input


I may not understand the TotalMixer completely, but is there no possibility to re-route an output to an input again in a digital way?

The reason for this need is principally "simple":

I want to process all audio that is going to an output, for example the PA out, before it is converted to an analogue signal.
I want to do that independent from the program that produces this output, because the intention is to compensate several things like frequency responses, phase, EQ....

I use a standalone VST host and a convolver plugin to compensate frequency issues of the PA and compensate the room. This works fine on my non-professional system (with zero latency!) at home with VirtualAudioCable and ASIO4ALL to re-route all Windows sounds, but this can not be the approach on a professional system like the Raydat.

There must be a possibility to send an output channel (that would normally reach the XLR-Out of my ADA-8000 interface) to an input channel  (best would be No. 25-32, I have only three ADA-8000) which I can process again by the "Console" VST-Host.

This Program has the inputs of the soundcard on one side and outputs of the card on the other side. Inbetween there is a graphical interface with  the possibility to connect VSt and DX-plugins etc.
It is a bit like Bidule.

So, any suggestions or different approaches to solve this?

In a short term: Can a convolver plugin be routed through TotalMixer before the signal is sent to the ADA-Interface?

Can I use the software-outputs in any way as inputs?

If my English is not good enough for explaining the topic, we could communicate in German as well.



Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

Read the manual (loopback).

Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

Ooops, RTFM...yes, right, that's it! Loopback !
I forgot about that. I will try it. As I understand the manual, I should do this with a channel number from which the hardware input is unused, because the loopback is only possible within a single channel number, right?

Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

Yeah, you can only route hardware outputs to the same hardware inputs. But that's sufficient for most things.

Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

Don't forget you can use Totalmix to re-bus any software output to ANY unused output - even the AES or SPDIF if you don't use those (leaves all ADAT channels free for physical ADAT devices).

Also, I believe Totalmix will still pass the HARDWARE input's signal through Totalmix.  The "Loopback" signal is sent to the ASIO input and to your software, but the physical Hardware Input (not the Loopback) is still sent through Totalmix's input channel if that makes sense.


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

That's right.

Re: HDSPe Raydat: re-route output to input

I'm trying the same
read also the manual (page 58)
but couldn't manage to route analog outputs 1+2 to any inputs HeadScratch

I need to do this in order to record internal and external sources in my daw.

For the moment I have done it using my hardware mixer
but it would be good to  be able to do it internally

What am I missing?
