Topic: babyface no stereo mixdown


I'm using Babyface and Reaper as my Daw . I want to mix down my separate recorded tracks and render them.
When i use pan in the Reaper mixing consol it doesn't pan into either my headphones or monitors. the sound is slightly louder in centre position and quieter hard left or right right but it's not moving in the stereo field.
I would like to hear exactly whats coming out of my Daw using no Totalmix effects eq's etc
I have my Monitors and headphones plugged directly into the appropriate outs on the breakout cable.
I'm guessing it's a routing problem in Totalmix but I'm finding Totalmix really hard to get to grips with

Have you any suggestions? thanks.

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

If you load a mixer factory preset, you can simply ignore the mixer, and all panning etc. will be as provided by the DAW mixer.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

I've tried "straight playback to all main out" and "straight playback" this only brings sound to my monitors but not my headphones but the panning problem still exists. Panning my Daw slider has no effect on listening back. The sound comes equally out of each speaker. Thanks .

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

The only other factory presets i can find is the eq presets and this doesn't help . Have you any further tips to help me please?
are there a set of factory presets that i'm missing?
would this be a pan law problem? Thanks

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

When i use pan in the Reaper mixing consol it doesn't pan into either my headphones or monitors. the sound is slightly louder in centre position and quieter hard left or right right but it's not moving in the stereo field.

Your signal path sends a mono signal. If not in TotalMix than in Reaper (violet button in your Reaper master section). You can check with routing an external input signal in TotalMix and route only this signal to your output.

best regards

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

I have tried as you said ie switching the master in reaper to mono and i also played a stereo sequencer track into TM and i seem to be only getting playback through AN 2 in both cases, i still have the panning problem. Thanks.

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

OK, please reset TotalMix by clicking on Mix1 and DISABLE the Mono button in Reaper. Can you here a stereo signal on all analog outputs (AN1/2 and Phones 3/4) when you play an mp3 song via iTunes or Media Player?

If it does not help please link to a screenshot of the TotalMix matrix view here.

best regards

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

I have already loaded and saved a configuration to mix 1 this got me sound coming out of speakers and headphones (but with panning prob). All the rest are empty and clicking on mix 2 with a media player track playing is registering in an 1 and an 2 of TM without any sound coming out of the speakers or headphones. . the link to your matrix view isn't working, could you post it again. I appreciate you taking your time with this problem thanks.

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

I have already loaded and saved a configuration to mix 1 this got me sound coming out of speakers and headphones (but with panning prob). All the rest are empty and clicking on mix 2 with a media player track playing is registering in an 1 and an 2 of TM without any sound coming out of the speakers or headphones.

1) Click in submix mode the analog output channel 1/2 (it gets brighter) and double click the fader of the playback channel with the signal from Media Player to route it to this output. Now you see the peakmeter in this output and hear the signal.
2) Repeat the same procedure after clicking on Phones 3/4 to route the signal also to this output.
3) Please study the manual, how to operate TotalMix. After some time it´s very easy to use.

the link to your matrix view isn't working, could you post it again.

You should make a screenshot of the matrix and link to it, to allow us to see your routing.

best regards


Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

Everything we read here makes no right sense. The BF works, so does the option 'Reset Mix' that you already used. Please list your operating system, the BF firmware version and the driver version that you use. A screenshot of the Matrix would be nice too.

Matthias Carstens

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

my operating system is windows XP sp 2,
the driver version is the latest 0.960

Something i've noticed is that the left BabyFace input is not making a sound at the moment. When i take a stereo feed out of my sequencer and plug L or R into the right BabyFace input it plays but plugging either L/R sequencer output into the left Babyface input produces no sound. … 040192.jpg

This matrix config isn't the only one i've tried, i've tried every combination possible to get my tracks to Pan in my Daw.

Thanks for your time guys.


Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

The latest driver is 0.966, most probably your firmware is outdated too, and the matrix shows us that you have 'Listenback' active (use F 3 to set it to None) and panned every playback mono in the middle (do a 'Reset Mix' again).

Matthias Carstens

13 (edited by freek 2011-02-28 15:02:09)

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

Hi, I updated also the driver, but I have the same panning problems. I posted another questions about this, thanks for your help.

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

Hi, I updated also the driver, but I have the same panning problems. I posted another questions about this, thanks for your help.

The procedure is written above: check the mixer for a wrong stereo width setting and/or reset the mixer to the default state.

best regards

Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

I still have panning problems, i am using:

Total mixFX version 0913
Driver version 0966
BabyFace USB
Windows XP Professional, service pack 3
Using ASIO with ableton

I have choosen resetmix "straingh playback with all to main out"
I use ableton live, and panning left/right seems to have no result in de output. This also count for software playback of cd's.

I still don't hear any stereo, and I experimented with all panning options
Please some help on this.


Re: babyface no stereo mixdown

If panning does not work then you are in mono mode. Check the stereo width setting in the channels that you use.

Or download the latest TM FX from this forum and choose 'Total Reset'.

Matthias Carstens