Topic: Wish: Controlling Mute/Solo groups with MIDI


It would be useful if the 4 Mute groups and the 4 Solo groups were mapped to MIDI notes or similar.

Actually there might be cases where it would be nice to have the 4 fader groups mapped to separate
MIDI CC numbers as well.

Thinking about using my BCN44 as a 4-channel DCA- and mute-groups controller live.

Just wish the Mackie MCU had more state buttons with LEDs that could be used for this.
Even if the F1-F8 buttons have no LEDs/states, I think I would appreciate an option in the TMFX
where you could choose if the F1-F8 buttons should load setups or toggle the Mute/Solo groups.
In a live situation, I need quicker access to the mute/solo groups than to the "Load setup 1-8".
In the studio it's the opposite.
So if implementing this in MIDI, it would be nice with an option in TMFX...

BR, Geir.