Topic: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

0. Mixer view, submix view PH 9/10
1. Matrix view, doubleclick cell row=Mic 9 and column=Out9
2. Columns out9 and out10 show green 0.0db
3. Change to mixer view
4. Hardware inputs Mic 9 and Mic 10 now show +3.0db
5. Lower these to 0.0db
6. Change to Matrix view
7. Columns out9 and out10 show grey -3.0db

Is this correct?

This is with Fireface UFX (driver 0.966, Totalmix Fx 0.924, latest firmware).



Re: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

The latest TM FX is 0.93. The RC here is the final version:

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by edgehill 2011-03-02 19:47:16)

Re: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

Same thing happens with 0.93.
Mixer submix view and matrix view disagree by 3db.

Affected hw inputs are Mic9, 10,11 and 12.
All the other channels show same gain values in both views.

The above happens in matrix view stereo mode or in mono mode if the mic
input sends to both sides of a stereo hw output.

Sum of two mono channels = +3db so the fader actually shows the correct value?


Re: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

Could you upload a screenshot?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

Also edited my previous post a bit.


6 (edited by gkilsti 2011-03-02 20:40:52)

Re: Totalmix Fx: matrix and mixer view don't agree

Yes it may seem strange the first time - Clicking a channel in/out in matrix view which is panned to Center, causes the fader to jump to +3db.
Adjusting the fader to 0.0 causes the matrix view to show -3.0

This is the nature of panning and is very common with many (all?) analog mixers as well.
The reason is that a channel panned to center lowers the signal with 3db to the L and R.
A signal goes through the pan circuit with its level unaffected when panned hard right or left. Everything in between causes
the resulting signals to be lower than the input signal in both L and R, varying from L to R of course.

Try panning Mic9 to hard Left or Right in mixer view, then click in the same box in matrix view, and you'll see.

This is also stated in chapter 27.3 in the UFX manual under Panorama.
