Topic: Matrix does not update as TotalMix is changed

Hello to all RME friends,

I asked this question on a previous post but forgot to include my system details. Sorry.

Mac Pro Quad core Intel Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Fireface 800 Firmware 2.77 and Driver 2.89

I have both Totalmix and Matrix open at the same time.
When I change a Totalmix fader in the playback row ( second row ) I can see the equivalent value in the Matrix change to show the same value as in Totalmix.
However, when I change a Totalmix input fader level (first row), the equivalent value in the matrix does not change. To see this change requires that the matrix is closed and then re-opened. Now the value will have been updated.
Is this normal behavior please?

Best Wishes


Re: Matrix does not update as TotalMix is changed


Matthias Carstens

Re: Matrix does not update as TotalMix is changed

Hi Matthias,

Thank you for your prompt reply.
It is a great comfort to have the Owner/Designer/Manufacture of RME give his time to us users.
Deepest thanks.