Topic: FF800 Safety Buffer Operation

Hello to all RME friends,

I have a FF800 and a Mac Pro and use Protools 9 as my DAW.
I am trying to understand the Fireface 800 safety buffer in order to sync my audio correctly.

I understand that the FF800 safety buffer is designed to give time for the firewire bus to play back audio without clicks and glitches.
But can anyone help me please with a link to more information or to answers to the following questions please?

1) Does the safety buffer only delay playback or does it delay input monitoring too?
2) Does the safety buffer apply to both Mac and Windows?
3) How many samples of delay does the safety buffer use?
4) Does the Mac Pro Hardware Buffer Size include the FF800 safety buffer. eg If the Mac hardware buffer size is 512 samples is the total buffer size 512 + safety buffer or is the safety buffer included in those 512 samples. In other words does the Mac register the safety buffer of the FF800?
5) Does Pro Tools recognize the FF800 safety buffer so that overdubs are correctly synced and so that the automatic delay compensation works properly?

Please forgive my many questions. I am struggling to find info on this subject.

Kind Regards


Re: FF800 Safety Buffer Operation

You should not waste your time with 1 to 4. Try 5 yourself. Play back a track, loop the analog out to the analog in, record on another track. These two tracks should now be aligned.

Matthias Carstens