1 (edited by blakerobinson 2011-03-10 15:30:50)

Topic: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

I've had my HDSP 9652 card for a few years now. I previously had this card in a Gigastudio slave machine and its worked great.

I've recently overhauled my home studio and moved from Gigastudio to a Kontakt/VST environment. As such, I now have my HDSP in my main audio machine. However, this has proved tricky. Before, I was routing the ADAT and SPDIF outputs from the Gigastudio slave to my audio master PC's inputs. Initially when I installed the HDSP into this machine I had it running alongside another audio interface to route the SPDIF out to its SPDIF in, to my monitors/headphones/etc. However, obviously the two cards are conflicting slightly and causing stability issues and so I am wanting to exclusively use the HDSP.

I figured that I would buy the AEB4/8 in and out, plug it in and the problem would be sorted. However, I'm obviously having extreme difficulty picking up an AEB interface anywhere - they're all out of stock and discontinued. What would be the best alternative to getting my audio out of the HDSP and to my analog speakers/headphones (and getting my analog inputs into the digital HDSP). I have roughly 2 inputs and 2 outputs I need to route and I have a budget of ~€250-500.

Any advice would be appreciated smile

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O


or get an ADI-2 or any other ad da converter

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

This is a cheap and reliable solution:

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

Vinark - I was checking out your link to the RME shop and actually found they have a couple of AEB's left so I have ordered these and will see how that goes smile

I also just had a look and the ADA8000 is very interesting and looks quite affordable. Depending on how the AEB purchase goes I may investigate this further smile

Thanks guys - you've been most helpful smile

5 (edited by vinark 2011-03-10 22:24:18)

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

The latest version of the ADA has some issues with fading in after silence. Very annoying.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

vinark wrote:

The latest version of the ADA has some issues with fading in after silence. Very annoying.

Oh, I was not aware of this. Mine are a couple of years old, no problem at all.
Do you have a link or something? I would be interested to learn more about this.

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

http://behringer-en.custhelp.com/app/an … og-outputs

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O


Under normal operating conditions this auto-mute never happens. However when used with digital mixing consoles or digital audio workstations (DAWs) with all faders down or in stop mode, this could cause this "mute" or "sleep" behavior.

It seems a bit difficult to tell if it will actually happen in a given setup. But if it does happen, it is quite terrible...
I guess the only way to be sure is to try it out...
Of course there are the ADI-8 that will do the job, but those are much more expensive.


Re: Alternative to purchasing AEB4-I/O

Usually the Mute function can be controlled by one pin of the DAC, which has to be tied to either ground or supply voltage. Sounds like happy modding...

Matthias Carstens