Topic: why would my UFX have higher latency than my Motu?

Using a 2.2 Ghz Macbook Pro, running at 44100 and 128 samples, my Motu 828mkii is getting overall latency of 8.23 (3.63 in, 3.61 out, 1.0 driver error compensation) in Ableton Live.

Using my UFX via FW,  getting 8.98 overall latency (4.01, 5.17, 0.2 driver error comp) at same setting.

Using UFX via USB, getting  8.42 overall latency (3.95, 4.38, 0.1 )  at same setting.

I am confused, as RME is supposed to have legendary low latency.  What could I be overlooking?

Re: why would my UFX have higher latency than my Motu?

These differences are quite minor - fractions of a ms - and attributable to different driver and converter chip designs. Have you tried using the UFX at lower buffer settings (96 or 64 samples)? This is generally what people are talking about - operation is possible with smaller buffers than their previous interface.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.