Topic: babyface mic inputs
I just got a new babyface and love the way it sounds. I just made my first attempt at recording (using a Shure VP-88 stereo mic) and was confronted with what seems to be some serious ground problems.
First off, no sound from the mic gets into the bf (with phantom power). What does occur (with or without phantom) is a loud buzz whenever I touch the mic that gets even louder when I touch both the mic and the bf. If I hold on to the bf for too long I start feeling an electrical charge. Surely this can't be good. Yet another interesting thing is the buzz gets considerably quieter when I unplug my MacBook (OS 10.5.8) power. But still no audio from the mic.
I did try using the same mic with another audio interface and it works fine, so it has to be the bf.
Am I missing something really basic or do I indeed have a faulty unit (or faulty breakout cable set perhaps)?
black macbook (late 2008) 2.4 GHz, OS 10.5.8; TotalMix 0.924