Topic: Fireface driver not working

Hey RME,

My FireFace 400 does not work properly with your newest driver and firmware update for Windows 7. It can't play the sessions it used to in ableton and reason without giving a lot of strange noises to the music and it seems to take a LOT of CPU power - which it didn't before.

I've searched the web but can't find older drivers and firmware to try to get back to how it used to work, but you seemed to have deleted a lot of the older drivers and firmware software from your website.

Please help me to fix this problem. My studio can't function and it's really frustrating.

I bought my FireFace in 2007, I sent it for repair back in november because of a firewire chip problem, in the meantime I borrowed another FireFace 400 from a friend which for some reason asked for newer firmware when I plugged it in. I updated it and it worked fine.
After I got my FireFace back it responded strangely to the new drivers and firmware. for a while it ran OK, but not as good as before, then I updated the driver to the newest version and now it's much much worse.

Do I need some older drivers that fit my card better? What's the deal?

Please help.


Re: Fireface driver not working

The firmware update to the FF 400 changed nothing in the other FF 400. What firmware is now active in your unit? See About tab of the Settings dialog. It also shows the current driver version.

Matthias Carstens