1 (edited by koopop 2011-04-26 17:53:48)

Topic: RME HDSPe ExpressCard34 & Macbook Pro EC34 slot


I'm not sure whether this is the right place, but;

the EC34 slot on Macbooks is either faulty/loose or the HDSP EC34 card isn't locking properly. I just updated my theatre sound fx system with a 2011 Macbook Pro 17" with HDSPe/Madiface in the EC34 slot.

The card comes off ridiculously easily. You only need to tap the card or touch it by mistake and it's off. Try to move the laptop while the Firewire cable is connected to the card? Nohoooo way, the card jumps right off! Then, the locking mechanism is left with "locking on" -position, so you have to push twice (!!) to get it back. I'm using QLab, and you have to boot the program if you want audio back. Not by any means a wanted situation during a complicated show. It's the same with older Macbooks with EC34 slot.

This is annoying and frightening. Here's a small vid I shot with my iThingy (MOV): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5329895/ec34.MOV

Why is there a product with locking system that doesn't lock?

What can I do? Glue the card? Duct tape? Considering the money I paid for the system, this is just rubbish. Now the whole system, that was supposed to be "mobile" or "grab n' go", is a fragile set of equipment you don't want to touch once set up. I'd be better off with a Mac Pro and a PCIx card.

Re: RME HDSPe ExpressCard34 & Macbook Pro EC34 slot

That's a fault of the ExpressCard spec. It's really a pain with SATA cards. If one of those pops out in the middle of a disk write it can be a major disaster.

It's like that on all ExpressCard34 and 56 slots. If you search around on this site some people have come up with velcro "locks" for securing the card. They're ugly but can do the trick.

If you got one of the new MBPs with Thunderbolt you could wait for a TB expansion slot to PCIe and use that. It could be a while though.

Re: RME HDSPe ExpressCard34 & Macbook Pro EC34 slot

slickslack wrote:

That's a fault of the ExpressCard spec. It's really a pain with SATA cards. If one of those pops out in the middle of a disk write it can be a major disaster.

It's like that on all ExpressCard34 and 56 slots. If you search around on this site some people have come up with velcro "locks" for securing the card. They're ugly but can do the trick.

If you got one of the new MBPs with Thunderbolt you could wait for a TB expansion slot to PCIe and use that. It could be a while though.

Oh yeah, I can imagine how pissed off people are with SATA's and stuff. For me, this was a surprise! Sorry if this is being posted here all the time smile

All the good velcro/tape -DIY links were gone in the forum. Well, I might come up with a solution of my own.. I'm going to weld it if I have to big_smile


Re: RME HDSPe ExpressCard34 & Macbook Pro EC34 slot

Nothing is gone:



Matthias Carstens