Topic: pci/multiface not working


Having troubles with my pci card/multiface combo not working

It all started back when I foolishly tried using the back then new WDM driver, along with I think updating the firmware of my pci card. This created the issue that my PC would "loose" the card on a regular basis and the only cure seemed to be unplugging the card, re-boting the machine without the card, then reinstalling the card - tiresome.. (No not plugging in/out stuff with power on :-) ) I think that I then tried to revert back to a pre WDM driver, possibly also had to revert to an old firmware revision because of this. Long story short, at some point in all this i managed to loose connection to my card.

So I haven't used the hardware in a few years, but now I really want to. So i tried installing it on a fresh windows 7 install. I followed the install instruction from the manual/forum and while the multimix and controls panel icons appear in quick start, nothing happens when I press them. I also tried running the flash tool, but the same thing happens == No nothing :-) No interface, no dialog prompting me or telling me anything.

So please help and tell me where to go from here!
Thanks :-)

P.S. PCI card rev 1.5, motherboard ASUS p5b deluxe.

Re: pci/multiface not working

i have the same problem with my Multiface I and didn't find solution so far.
I just bought new computer with asrock 890fx motherbioard and Windows 7 64bit with service pack 1.
HSDP regularly disappears and windows can not find the HSDP card (old PCI version).

Everything was working fine on Gigabyte mobo with Win XP 32 bit and newest drivers.

I will be grateful for any suggestions


Re: pci/multiface not working

I had a similar issue (HDSP device would disappear from Device Manager more and more until it just refused to show up at all) - it was my HDSP PCI card dieing a slow death.  Oddly, it was one of the newer HDSP cards I had, too!  I bought a used replacement off eBay for like $125 - took a small gamble but it payed off and was cheaper than RME's "Discount/Can't repair this card" replacement price of $250...


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2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8