1 (edited by isaac 2011-05-02 09:58:52)

Topic: single and double speed clocking issues

Hey all,

Having a a really strange issue with both my multifaces latest hardware revisions, driver version 3.21 (one on HDSP PCI, other on PCMCIA flat). When I try to clock externally I cannot get them to go above 48K. when I send 88200 it goes to 44100, 64000 goes to 32000 etc. My Alto MP8D will sync to all frequencies from either multiface. The multiface will not move to a frequency above 48K. I still get sync in the settings.

I have tried single speed engaged/not engaged. I am using word clock between all units. Also if I use the ADAT out from either the MP8D or a multiface I get the same results.

Sorry not sure if this happened before as I've never wanted to play with higher sample rates!

Isaac P

edit: win7 home pro 32 bit SP1


Re: single and double speed clocking issues

Never changed. Start an application that sets the sample rate in the double speed range, or use the drop down menu in the Settings dialog to select one.

Matthias Carstens

Re: single and double speed clocking issues

MC wrote:

Never changed. Start an application that sets the sample rate in the double speed range, or use the drop down menu in the Settings dialog to select one.

Sorry should have been more specific before!

I've tried using the drop down menu in the settings dialog,  and starting an ASIO program at the desired sample rate. Both give me the behaviour described above.

Isaac P


Re: single and double speed clocking issues

Ok, that sounds like a small bug. Will check.

Matthias Carstens


Re: single and double speed clocking issues

We checked and it works as expected, means we can easily use 96 kHz when 48 kHz word clock is the clock source. So either we misunderstood your setup/operation or you overlooked something. Maybe you can provide a screenshot of the Settings dialog while you start DIGICheck with the desired sample rate?

Matthias Carstens

Re: single and double speed clocking issues

MC wrote:

We checked and it works as expected, means we can easily use 96 kHz when 48 kHz word clock is the clock source. So either we misunderstood your setup/operation or you overlooked something. Maybe you can provide a screenshot of the Settings dialog while you start DIGICheck with the desired sample rate?

Will do. Thanks for checking MC.

Isaac P