Topic: Reading TimeCode via ASIO
I'm using an HDSP AES-32 with TCO an read the TimeCode via ASIO in the BufferSwitchTimeInfo callback. The first thing is that I only get a valid TimeCode every second for some samples (~20samples or a tenth of a second) in a row and in between it is invalid (0 samples and the kTcValid flag is not set). This valid/invalid hopping is repeated in a nearly one second interval.
The second thing is that I want to get a frameRate, so I can show the frame number instead of the milliseconds. In the example of the ASIO documentation there is a field "frameRate" on ASIOTimeCode, but its missing in the official SDK from Steinberg. I saw that the flags field of ASIOTimeCode has some more bits set than described in the ASIO documentation (its 0x0203 when I get a valid TimeCode), so I'm wondering if the timecode info may be hidden there.
best regards,