Topic: Will be a proud owner of UFX in 2 days
Hi All,
I couldn't find "introduce your self" kind of thread (if there is, let me know), so I'm just dropping by here. I just placed an order for a brand new Fireface UFX today, and it should be coming this Friday. I couldn't wait to put the first post until I get the actual one.
I've been trying to set up versatile and mobile recording rig several month for my location recording (classic, chamber music at church, etc) as well as my needs in my home studio. I have been reading lots of information about UFX here and at Gearslutz, and I've been intrigued so much. Potential of using it as USB recorder is enormous. Just bring 2U rack and a pair of microphone for ORTF, and bring it home to set up 30 channel interface? Should be awesome experience!
Anway, just wanted to say hellow and convey my excitement.
Best regards,