Topic: Help With Hardware insert in PT9


I have an AIO card and Im trying to set up a hardware inset on PT9. I belive I have everything working as it should but for some reason I feel I am missing something.

I have my main output set to PHONES.

I have an AKAI tape machine and Id like to use it as a saturation hardware effx, and this is how i currently have set it up.

In protools I have my out send to 3-4

and return in 1-2

on total Mix software 3-4 are ouputed to hardware 1-2

I am seeing the signal come back in protools, but when I try and set the hardware delay into the application, it does not seem to compensate...

I would really appreciate any help, I have a brand new AIO card and I like to get some pointers into setting up harware sends from anyone that has done so with success...

Thanks In advance.
