Topic: FF UFX routing architecture. Redirecting physical inputs. Arrange TMFX

Sometimes there is a need for duplicating channels for different equalisation.
Is it possible to make a option to assign physical inputs to different channels in the DSP mixer?
I understand that making more than 30 input channels would be difficult (30 + virtual ones), but I bet that substituting might be possible.
I don't know whether you have used the Yamaha 01v96, but there is a screen there for mapping ph. input -> mixer channel.
Please make a statement if you can implement that in the UFX.

I have mentioned that before, but even rearranging the order of the tracks and hiding them from the TMFX would be useful.

As for the midi navigation in the TMFX: would be great to have some custom positions for channel selection.
For example: I could select a custom midi control to change my selection from ch 1-8 to ch 17-24 or 25-32 (two empty channels) in a single message,  the left,right navigation can be confusing.
I want to write down the channel names on a tape on my BCF2000 (i hope 2xBCF2000 as soon as you implement multiple devices mackie control), and select the banks always in the same order. I press the button (9-16) and I know I get 9-16, not: hmmm I am 23-30, -8, hmmm wait I had a stereo ch in the middle of that bank, where am I!?

Fireface-UFX, Mac OSX 10.6, Logic 9, BCF2000, AC-7 user, vocalist, live sound recording