Topic: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP

I'm looking for an affordable way to upgrade my home-studio.
Currently I'm working with: Cubase, W7, Motu 8pre.
I'm quite satisfied with the Motu, for recording 8 tracks (or more via ADAT/behringer) simultaniously on location
with my macbook.
However, for recording -for example- Vocals at home (PC) I would like to have more clearity and definition.
First I thought of buying something like a ISA ONE to get the job done (via adat to my MOTU).
But after a lot of thinking... would the RME HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP be a better idea for the time (first things first) and money?
I expect to have better monitoring, and some reverb while singing could be a blessing for some
of my vocalists. (BTW, are the fx also accessable in mixing and mixdown, as DSP-card?)
I see the RME HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP is quite affordable for around 350,- on sale.
Or... is the babyface an even better solution? Is it a next step in developments at RME, or
is soundquality the same on both items? Don't need portability here, as it's for my homestudio.

I hear there's a "rocksolid clock" onboard the Digiface Firewire units... how's that with the RME HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP?
Same? I don't quite understand, as I always use internal clock... Would it be better to use -for example- the HDSP 9632 clock?
Or is there no difference, as long as you use only 1 card?

Or... would it be a whole other ballgame to get rid of my motu, forget the HDSP 9632, and save up to buy the Digiface?
I have the impression (as long as one wants to record only 1 or 2 tracks) there's no difference in sound between the digiface
and the HDSP 9632 DSP...

I hope someone out there could help me out
Thanks in advance! Charley

Re: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP

The hdsp 9632 has no effects (reverb) the babyface does. For better recording quality important are in sequence of importance; The room (treatment), the mic, the preamp and last the converters. And completely unimportant the singer (LOL).
The babyface sounds as a great solution for you.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by Charlz 2011-06-05 11:12:59)

Re: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP

Hai Vincent,
Wellicht net zo makkelijk in het nederlands... Ja de zanger is een ander probleem ;~)
Maar ik zag deze: … 7047054505

Wow hele sliert, maar goed. Of is dit "ouwe meuk", vergeleken met de babyface?

Heb voorts goede mic's (at4040) en mogamisnoeren, dus de eerste stappen zijn ok...  (goed genoeg).
Ik hoor het graag! Groeten en bedankt, Charley

Ik zie dat er evt een optionele breakout kabel is met XLR's, maar het is me onduidelijk of er Fantoomvoeding
aan boord is... Wellicht is idd de babyface (mooie aanbieding van 499,- bij de Dijk) een betere optie.

PS PS...
Ook idd.. de toevoeging "DSP" slaat hier geloof ik niet op inzetbare FX... begrijp ik (mijn duits is uberhaupt niet goed ;~)

4 (edited by vinark 2011-06-05 11:51:04)

Re: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP

De 9632 heeft geen mic pre en dus ook geen fantoom. Alleen line level in en uit. DSP is in dit geval de onboard mixer, heel handig maar geen FX. Alleen de FX series en de babyface hebben effecten. Deze effecten zijn prima voor de recording fase maar niet voor af mixen.
RME geluids kwaliteit is heel erg goed vind ik, maar vooral de drivers zijn super, meer plezier van dezelfde cpu en lagere latency.
Ik ben van emu1212m converters naar RME adi8 AE gegaan en verschil was heel groot.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP

Ha Vincent,
Hartelijk bedankt voor je adviezen, ik geloof dat idd de Babyface voor nu de beste beslissing is!
Thanks, Charley

Re: Decisions... HDSP 9632 Hammerfall DSP


Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632