Topic: Fireface, TotalMix or Samplitude?

Admittedly a novice as to audio routing and electronic mixing, etc...
I use Samplitude as a DAW with my Fireface 800, with the 800 outs going into an outboard mixer. 
I need help with what I think is a routing issue...

Example - I'm sending drums to outputs 7/8, and do get the signal through there correctly.
But the same thing is also coming out 1/2. 

The TotalMix interface doesn't show anything obvious (to me) that appears to be taking channels 7/8 and putting them also into 1/2. 

I'm almost sure this is a user+Samplitude setting issue, but thought if someone here happens to use Samp with the 800 they might know where I can look to correct it.

Appreciate any suggestions~


Re: Fireface, TotalMix or Samplitude?

The TotalMix interface doesn't show anything obvious (to me) that appears to be taking channels 7/8 and putting them also into 1/2.

When you click on output 1/2 in submix mode, where is the fader of software playback 7/8? 

best regards

Re: Fireface, TotalMix or Samplitude?

I'm sorry, but I am not clear on the term "submix mode".  The track in question is a single midi + audio VST (Superior Drummer).  The midi out goes to the VST, the audio IN is from the VST out and the audio out is set to 7/8 of the RME Fireface. 
I did have a Master track, and I muted, then deleted it, but I don't think it mattered in this case.
I'm not sure it's even a Samplitude issue.  The RME TotalMix thing could be routing things from 7/8 to 1/2 as well; I just don't see anything obvious (to me) that is doing it. 
If it would be helpful, and if the forum allows it, I can include a screen print of the Total mix screen, which shows the In, Playback and Output forms.

I appreciate the response, Knut, and will gladly try any additional suggestions.


Re: Fireface, TotalMix or Samplitude?

Right Control Panel in TotalMix - Submix View is activated there? That's what Knut meant.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface, TotalMix or Samplitude?

Ahhh.  Thank you, Matthias (and certainly Knut)  ...

Well, I think  solved it...but I still don't understand it.

I very much appreciate the patience with my "newbiosity" - I have actually read books on audio and such and you know what the ultimate result is? 

I have developed a profound respect for you folks that actually know what all the knobs do and when to turn which one how much on or off...

At any rate, the thing that appears to have caused my situation is the RME "Monitor Phones" setting for the top box of the three was set to "phones".  When I changed it to AN 1/2, everything seems to behave as I would expect.  But what's up with the setting of "phones" in a setting called "Phones" screwing me up?  And why are there only three boxes when there are four pairs of channels?!?!?! 

I don't really expect an answer - I just appreciate being steered in the right direction.  But I KNOW you guys are just shaking your heads! - that's okay. 

Now back to writing and playing - I live for the day when I don't have to do all this stuff myself!!!

Thanks again, y'all!
